Mysql 8 버전 기준


CREATE USER 'josungwoo'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '패스워드';

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `sungwoodb`.* TO 'josungwoo'@'%';

flush privileges;



읽기 권한만 주고싶다..


CREATE USER 'josungwoo'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY '패스워드';
GRANTSELECT ON `sungwoodb`.* TO 'josungwoo'@'%';
flush privileges;



RDS Aurora로 생성하고 파라미터 그룹 생성하고 편집에서 


charater set 과 time zone 세팅

admin@josungwoo-MBP eks % eksctl delete cluster --name eks-tutorial
2024-02-07 09:54:57 [ℹ]  deleting EKS cluster "eks-tutorial"
2024-02-07 09:54:57 [ℹ]  will drain 1 unmanaged nodegroup(s) in cluster "eks-tutorial"
2024-02-07 09:54:57 [ℹ]  starting parallel draining, max in-flight of 1

2024-02-07 09:55:58 [!]  1 pods are unevictable from node ip-192-168-9-219.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal
2024-02-07 09:56:58 [!]  1 pods are unevictable from node ip-192-168-9-219.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal


계속 펜딩 상태...


아래 옵션을 주어서 삭제

eksctl delete cluster --name eks-tutorial --disable-nodegroup-eviction



admin@josungwoo-MBP eks % eksctl delete cluster --name eks-tutorial --disable-nodegroup-eviction
2024-02-07 09:59:45 [ℹ]  deleting EKS cluster "eks-tutorial"
2024-02-07 09:59:45 [ℹ]  will drain 1 unmanaged nodegroup(s) in cluster "eks-tutorial"
2024-02-07 09:59:45 [ℹ]  starting parallel draining, max in-flight of 1
2024-02-07 10:00:01 [✔]  drained all nodes: [ip-192-168-85-198.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal ip-192-168-22-84.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal ip-192-168-9-219.ap-northeast-2.compute.internal]
2024-02-07 10:00:02 [ℹ]  deleted 0 Fargate profile(s)
2024-02-07 10:00:02 [✔]  kubeconfig has been updated
2024-02-07 10:00:02 [ℹ]  cleaning up AWS load balancers created by Kubernetes objects of Kind Service or Ingress
2024-02-07 10:00:04 [ℹ]
2 sequential tasks: { delete nodegroup "ng-1", delete cluster control plane "eks-tutorial" [async]
2024-02-07 10:00:04 [ℹ]  will delete stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1"
2024-02-07 10:00:04 [ℹ]  waiting for stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1" to get deleted
2024-02-07 10:00:04 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1"
2024-02-07 10:00:34 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1"
2024-02-07 10:01:32 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1"

2024-02-07 10:03:11 [ℹ]  waiting for CloudFormation stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-nodegroup-ng-1"
2024-02-07 10:03:11 [ℹ]  will delete stack "eksctl-eks-tutorial-cluster"
2024-02-07 10:03:11 [✔]  all cluster resources were deleted


Setting up Vim for YAML editing

Setting up Vim for YAML editing March 23, 2020 In this blog post I'm going to show how to set up Vim for easier YAML editing. You can scroll down to the end for a summary of all installed plugins and config file changes. There's not much to do here. VIM ha


YAML 파일을 VI, VIM 으로 다루다 보니, Tab 이 들어가면서 나오는 에러,

error: error parsing deployment.yml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 10: found character that cannot start any token


근데 VIM 으로 보면 Tab 표시가 안나타나서 Mac에서는 위와 같이 Vim 에디터에다가 YAML 유효성을 검증할 수 있는 플러그인을 설치하면 좋다.

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